
"Our Future, Our Responsibility"

Golden Circle is an innovative company that puts emphasis on renewable and sustainable solutions for the plastic industry. Our main focus is speeding up the process of the green change, helping industries create a sustainable future. We offer eco-friendly long term solutions with the goal of preserving our planet and future for the generations to come.

Golden Circle has industry leading downstream solutions for several types of plastic waste. We are mainly involved with the fishing and maritime industries, but we are able to offer the same solutions to any branch of industry that use or deals with plastic. We are proud to have partners who are ground breaking and innovative companies withing the recycling industry of Scandinavia and Europe. We also guarantee 100% traceability and documentation, so you know exactly where your waste ends up.

Golden Circle are continually developing our own products, while we are able to find and offer solutions to replace virgin or non-renewable materials with recycled material of the same or higher quality, while still meeting the production criteria set for the products.

The vision of Golden Circle is a future without plastic waste, sea or land.

A Sustainable Future

Recycled ropes for the maritime industry

DFS has developed ReLine, Maritime rope made from recycled plastic. ReLine ropes are made with 20-40% recycled plastic waste from the maritime industry, with this adaptability ReLine Rope can meet any certification requirements in all industries. This makes ReLine rope a highly adaptable rope, fully sustainable and renewable. 

DFS, among others, are a contributor towards the green change and sustainability of an industrial scale, focus more towards maritime and fish farming industries world wide.

Circular Economy within plastic recycling

Golden Circle was founded with the vision of a renewable, sustainable and eco friendly future. Through our partnerships, we are able to complete the renewable circle. 

This means that we have full transparancy about the origin of materials, how they are handled, and where they end up. This is the most eco friendly method, using material already made for the same purpose, and ensures that we work towards our vision of a greener future.

Plastic solutions for other industries

Golden Circle are also able to help other industries and companies with becoming more eco-friendly. We are able to arrange waste managment, sorting guides, in person advice and consultation about how to treat and deal with renewable waste. 

The right knowledge and decisions can be a big boost to a company's finances. In our future, plastic waste will no longer be treated as waste, but as a raw material for new production, This helps creating the sustainable future, and completely changes the economy surrounding plastic waste.

Golden Circle are also able to offer our services to other companies who could benefit from our and our partners knowledge on renewable waste and recycling expertise.


Helping others bring innovation

In Golden Circle, our main focus is the innovation and sustainability of the industries. We know this is not something we can achieve alone, thus we are activly looking to bring other innovative and sustainable projects to light.

We can assist projects and ideas with high quality recycled material from our partners, a wide and expanding network within recycling and development, experience and knowledge from Golden Circle and our cooperative partnerships, and the ability to develop environmental friendly solutions.

If you are a developer or a newly established project that puts focus on renewability, sustainability and eco friendly changes, feel free to contact us to discuss how we best can assist your project.


What can we offer your company?

Rope, collection and sale

We offer collection of rope, 100% traceability, documentation and a guarantee that the rope will be recycled. We also provide delivery rapports, so that your company can always see how much, and what quality rope you have delivered to recycling.

Golden Circle are an agent of  ReLine, which can be adapted to meet our customers needs. ISO-certified.

Recycling for your plastic waste

Golden Circle also provide down stream, renewable solutions for other types of plastic that otherwise might not go to recycling.

We also offer 100% traceability and documentation for this plastic material.

Waste managment and consulting services

Golden Circle can also offer waste managment assistance and training, as well as sorting guides.

We can also offer our consultation services on how to better handle your waste, to make sure its more efficient and profitable, for both your company and the environment